It's Turkey Contest Time!

Stevie Jane (2 months) with an assist from Mama Turkey

Charlotte’s technicolor turkey (Age 4)

Age 8

By Ellis, age 6

E. Kuo, Age 9

Turkey by Finley, age 6

Emmy, age 5

Charlotte Age 6

5 month old Helena with a little help from more coordinated fingers =)

Noah 9 years old - using his fingerprints for feathers.

Steve Langley created this turkey. Age 7

Quinn is 7 months old and wanted to scribble a bit, thanks for creating an art activity for our family!

Allies (age 6)

Zachary (age 8)

Victoria (age 4)

A skiing turkey for the 13+ category!

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Willow, age 9 months (with a little help from her mommy)

Here is our flock - Haley 11, Bridget 9 & Kaitlin 9

This is by Sylvia Snider-Sierra (age 11). We call it the stained-glass turkey!