Welcome to the Walden Local Community Forums!

Welcome to the Walden Local forums! We’re very excited that you’ve decided to join our online community. We kindly ask that you read the following Forum Rules and Guidelines:

  1. Feel free to lurk or jump right in with a question or comment. You may, however, want to use the Search function first to see if your question has already been answered, or if there’s a thread already started on the topic that you had wanted to discuss.
  2. Be friendly and polite to your fellow forum members. But we don’t need to tell you that: all of you are already awesome.
  3. If there is a post that you feel needs our attention – say, something inappropriate, a missed question that needs an answer – feel free to private message or email us with a link to the Forum thread in question. We read the Forums regularly, but it’s possible for us to miss posts or threads when we’re busy doing other stuff, like working with our farming partners to bring you amazing share items.
  4. Last but not least: keep doing what you’re doing. We love reading your posts and appreciate your thoughtful responses to other members’ questions, feedback, sense of humor, and contributions to our growing member community!

If you don’t see your specific question below give us a holler at 978.362.8642 or email us at info@waldenlocalmeat.com

If you’d like to become a member, join us here!


For people who want to cook and eat LOCALLY, NUTRITIOUSLY AND

We are


…right here in New England and New York.

We produce the highest quality supply of 100% grass-fed beef and other
pasture-raised meat including chicken, pork and lamb
from nearby highly principled farms.

instead of industrial factory farms,

we are REINVIGORATING our local agricultural economy,
in support of healthier and happier animals, people and communities.

For the people who want to take back control of the food they buy, cook, and eat…

For the farmers who work hard to ethically raise animals in open pastures…

For the animals that deserve to be fed what they are meant to eat and to be treated with dignity…

For the soil that needs better stewardship as one of our most vital natural resources…

For the long-term health and happiness of families and friends…

For the strength of local economies

We are making local work.

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